
    Welcome to Curriculog, an online curriculum management system used for submitting, reviewing and approving curriculum proposals including:

    1. New programs and courses
    2. Revisions to programs and courses
    3. Inactivation of a program  or course

    To access the system, click Login at the top right corner.

    Login: HCC Email username

    Password: HCC Email password

    Instructional materials are available to assist you in completing forms, and can be found on either on Staff Resources or the Faculty & Staff page.  

    If you encounter problems logging in, please contact the HCC Helpdesk – 413.552.2075,

    If you have question about the system, or any of the forms, please contact: Allison Wrobel, Registrar– 413.552.2242,

    Listed below are the symbols and colors utilized in Curriculog:

    • = has not made a decision
    • = approved
    • = rejected
    • = held
    • = suspended
    • = cancelled
    • = multiple decisions
    • = task
    • = mine
    • = stuck
    • = urgent, out of date import source









    You have selected

    You can approve

    your PIN

    You have entered an incorrect PIN for your account. If you have forgotten your pin or don't have one, please contact an Administrator.

    could not be approved